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Marguerite is a performance artist, writer and director based in Paris and London. She is interested in the crosspollination of audiovisual art and physicality of the human body. She started her training at the Singapore Dance Theatre at the age of 12 and graduated from the professional training program of Paris Marais Dance School focusing on Graham and Balanchine technique in 2020. She then went on to train at the Ecole Internationale de Theatre Jacques Lecoq and received her Diploma in 2022. She has received additional training from companies such as Emanuel Gat Dance Company and Gecko Theatre. Marguerite has also been teaching Lecoq method workshops internationally in high schools and acted as a dramaturge for dance companies.


In March 2023 she founded the Missing Theatre Company, a collective of physical and visual artists and wrote their first performance Instructions on How To Be Alone, supported by Arts Council UK- it will premiere in March 2024 at the IOU Theatre and tour around the UK in the winter of 2025. 

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